Rev. Jessica N. Bass is dedicated to the integrated promotion of emotional health and spiritual wellness within herself as well as in others.

A native of Stamford, Connecticut, Jessica is a proud graduate of Spelman College where she received a Bachelor of Arts in English. She earned a dual Masters degree, one in Divinity from Yale University concentrating in pastoral care and counseling, and the other in Social Work from the University of Connecticut School of Social Work, concentrating in clinical casework. While in seminary, Jessica was selected to be a Two Brothers Fellow, a fellowship that fully funded her summer study abroad at Hebrew University in Jerusalem, Israel. She is also a recipient of a Certificate of Advanced Study for Social Work with Women and Children, and successfully completed four units of clinical pastoral education with the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education, Inc.

As a daughter of the nondenominational pentecostal church context, Jessica consciously confessed Christ at the tender age of 11. Upon journeying through various life transitions, marked by emotional pain that stemmed from deep wounds of rejection in her own life, Jessica slowly but surely began to realize that God uses everything. Unbeknownst to her, God had a plan all along to take the messy fragments of her life and mold them into her message. 

In yielding to this plan that was not her own, Jessica began to understand the true meaning of her identity. Through an in depth study of the origin of her name, she came to fully embrace who she is and what she's purposed to do in this world. In Hebrew, "Jessica" means "God sees" or "God beholds." The feminine form of her middle name, "Noelle" means "Day of Birth" or "precious gift" in French. This knowledge and understanding of her name imparted much insight and clarity into Jessica's life in tremendous ways and to that end, Day of Birth was founded in 2011. Using the meaning of her very existence by name, Day of Birth represents Jessica's vocation; the combination of her call as a minister of healing reconciliation and her career as a licensed clinical practitioner.

After preaching her first sermon at 17 and freely ministering with every opportunity she was given, Jessica was publicly affirmed and ordained to Christian ministry at 29 years old. Currently, she serves as Director of Pastoral Care and Counseling at New Creation Christian Fellowship in San Antonio, Texas under the leadership of her spiritual parents, Bishop David M. and Rev. Dr. Claudette A. Copeland.

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Jessica is a member of several national public service organizations, some of which include: the National Association of Social Workers, the Association for Clinical Pastoral Education, Inc., the Association for Professional Chaplains, the American Association for Christian Counselors, and Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Incorporated. She has also traveled internationally as a missionary serving the rural areas Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic; Senegal, West Africa; Gambia, West Africa; Cap Haitien, Haiti; and Ghana, West Africa. Presently, Jessica is a student on the Chaplaincy Track in pursuit of a Doctor of Ministry degree at Emory University’s Candler School of Theology in Atlanta, Georgia.

As a pastoral and licensed clinical counselor, preacher and curator of integrative soul care, Jessica is purposed for and passionate about seeing people transformed by the truth that their life's purpose is a precious gift that the world is waiting for them to offer, despite devastating disappointments or traumatic events that may have occurred. Graced by God with a special gift of mercy and the compassionate heart of a shepherd, Jessica is especially drawn to those who've suffered from trauma and/or abuse of any kind, on any level. She offers a holistic approach to her God-given purpose to preach and to counsel by integrating methodologies of spiritual and clinical care for the mind, body, soul and spirit. In both public sermonic and private therapeutic settings, Jessica’s message is one of faith, hope and love. Her mission is to midwife…

the hurting into hope and healing

the wounded into wellness

and the broken into beautiful wholeness.

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