Speaker Highlights
“When The Counselor Comes” | May 2024
As May is Mental Health Awareness Month, Rev. Jessica normalizes this much needed conversation in the faith community by masterfully integrating it with the message of Pentecost. Revealing the power of the Holy Spirit as the ultimate Counselor, Rev. Jessica calls listeners to understand that the Spirit of God is available to both counsel as well as enable us to seek conventional counseling resources for our mental and emotional well-being. You will be challenged and comforted by this message of hope and healing. {1:45:25 mark}
“When Honor is an Inside Job” | May 2023
“Honor is a command from God, but it should not be a demand from us to others.” In this provocative message, Rev. Jessica challenges believers to examine their heart motives when it comes to honoring others. Integrating biblical exegesis with clinical methodology, Rev. Jessica uses the story of David and King Saul to illuminate the truth that honor is not meant to be a replacement for co-dependency. Rather, “Honor is an Inside Job” because honor has more to do with our relationship with God than it does with other people. {0:53:06 mark}
“When Deborahs A.R.I.S.E” | September 2022
Inspired by the biblical story of Deborah in the book of Judges 4 & 5 and the new movie—”Woman King” starring Viola Davis—Rev. Jessica reminds listeners of the courage and confidence God wants us to have in order to A.R.I.S.E. and be who God has created us to be and to fulfill the unique purpose and destiny God has called us to fulfill! {1:04 mark}
“Wake Up! Get Up! It’s the Dawn of A New Day” | April 2022
In a post pandemic season, Rev. Jessica preaches the hope all of humanity has in the Resurrection of Jesus Christ. She poses three questions for critical reflection: “What does death teach us? What does darkness test in us? What does dawn tell us?” As you listen to this timely inspirational message, you will be encouraged to ‘wake up’ your dreams and ‘get up’ after whatever in life has tried to keep you down! {1:08 mark}
“Redefining Reset: Let’s Dream Again” | October 2020
Rev. Jessica preaches a message of hope beyond the dark shadows of our present circumstances. She midwifes inspiration into the minds and hearts of listeners by encouraging them to redefine the way they will approach life post-pandemic. For most, 2020 has been more of a nightmare than a dream. Yet, after the grieving and mourning, there is a life that still needs to be lived. It’s time to redefine your reset and dream again! {34:51 mark}
“Trauma, Transitions + Triumph | July 2020”
Rev. Jessica ministers about the mental, emotional and spiritual journey through trauma and how to come to a place of triumph through the gift of acceptance. This roundtable is hosted by Shannon Evette of “The Sanctuary,” a virtual faith community collective.
"Stewards of Wisdom" | February 2020
Rev. Jessica shares an expository teaching during Midweek Bible Study at NCCF on the principles of being a wise steward of the gifts and graces with which we have been entrusted. {19:45 mark}
Straight Talk Interview | January 2020
Rev. Jessica sits down for an interview about the mission + ministry of Day of Birth, LLC and does some #StraightTalk on all things purpose with host, Neena Perez.
"In The Wilderness of Why " | March 2018
Rev. Jessica preaches the fourth saying of Jesus during NCCF’s “Seven Last Words” Service on Good Friday. {19:35 mark}